TechCalc+ Scientific Calculator

by roaming squirrel


2.99 usd

TechCalc+ : the full-featured scientific and graphing calculator app for Android

TechCalc+ is the "Swiss Army Knife" of Scientific Calculators ... 44 Calculation Options + a Scientific Reference Section + the Periodic Table of the Elements!Perfect for all aspects of scientific and engineering calculations in school, university and throughout your career. Why not download it now and give it a try?Modes included are:★ Basic Mode - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),★ Scientific Mode - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),★ 64-bit Programmer Mode (Hex, Oct, Bin and Dec) - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),★ Graphing,★ Matrices,★ Complex Numbers (cartesian, polar, using Eulers identity),★ Quick Formulas,★ Quick Converter,★ Time Calculator,★ Equation Solver,★ Calculus (Derivatives, Definite Integrals, Taylor Series, Indefinite Integrals & Limits)★ Financial+ the Periodic Table of Elements!Features include:★ All Trigonometric operations (radians, degrees or gradients)★ Powers & Roots★ Logs and Antilogs★ Factorial, Modulus & Random Numbers functions★ HCF, LCM, Prime factorization★ Pol() & Rec() Functions★ Permutations (nPr) and Combinations (nCr)★ Statistics★ Fractions Mode★ A wide range of conversion categories and constants★ 20 Memory Registers in each of the calculation modes★ Detailed calculation history★ Extensive Help and Reference★ Highly customizable via the SettingsThe reference section includes:★ Physical Laws★ Names in the Metric System★ Mathematical Tables★ Elementary & Linear Algebra★ Trigonometric Identities★ Differentiation & Integration Rules★ Statistics Formulas★ Vector Mathematics★ ASCII, IEEE 754, Fractional Bits, Roman Numeral & Number Base Converters★ pH, Interpolation, Body Mass Index (BMI), Percentage, Color, Proportion & Molecular Weight Calculators★ Sigma & Pi Notation★ Balancing Chemical Equations★ Statistics (Grouped Data)★ Numerical Sequences★ Humidity Calculations★ Boolean Algebra Calculator★ Empirical Formula Calculator★ Characteristics of an RLC Circuit★ Feet and Inches Calculator★ Aspect Ratio Calculator★ Barometric Formula Calculator★ Linear Regression Analysis (Simple Linear Regression; Multiple Linear Regression)★ Bicycle Tire Pressure CalculatorPlease email any questions that are not answered in the Help section.ver 4.9.6:★ fixed bugs reported by users

Read trusted reviews from application customers

***THIS IS A MUST MUST HAVE APP....How did you mange to make a perfect app BETTER? "YOU DID IT!" - Great Work!... I Absolutely love this app. *I liked it so much, I BOUGHT IT!*. Fully customizable to your liking. It Even Has An Updated Periodic Table.... *** I nominate this for Editors Choice. GREAT WORK EVERYBODY! --SMITTY

Smitty Forge

excellent app but the ui is old....please its ui

Kashinath Gorai

Great calculator. One small issue with Sci Calc mode and RPN. Power key is labeled x^y but for RPN it should be labeled y^x to match the labels of the registers.

Chip Straub

the best you can imagine! Please, add LCM and HCF calculator also to make it most valuable tool for students of all grades...

Aamir Meo

I'd tried many good & very good Calculator Apps out there, and I found TechCalc+ is one of the Best. It is not just a scientific calc, it has built-in variety of extended complex calculation capabilities & references: math learning, financial calc, time calc, unit converters, etc. • Overall, definitely highly recommended excellent educational product. • A friendly price for a quality product. Highly recommended. • Thank You ツ

Henry Lee

This calculator is so well done, I don't use my RPN calculator. This is truly a quality app.

Jimbo Harshfield

Worth the modest fee. If you are a computer engineer be aware that data storage calculations use the IEC "standard" so 1 kilobyte is converted to 1000 bytes and not 1024 which makes no sense since it not a power of 2/binary number). This will throw off your calculations if you use the actual 1kb=1024 bytes conversion (the practicing standard). I've been a computer engineer for 35 years and have never seen anyone in IT convert 1 kb to 1000. I wish I had the option to not use the IEC values.

A Google user

Simply the best scientific calculator available! Every scientist (including, of course, mathematicians) should have a copy installed. It's well worth the small fee required to file unlock all features, but even without spending a penny it

Seän Shepherd

Love this app. Well designed, feature rich and reliable.

John Carson

It's terrific. I'm not in any way a scientist or mathematition but I find this app has the answers to so many questions that arise in the course of everyday life. Everything from basic sums to the periodic table.

Garrett Carton